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Contact Us

Contact Us

Thank you for taking the time to contact us with your questions and comments about Tricounty Radiology. Please complete the form below; then click Submit when you are finished.

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  • Your name Your name *
  • The best way to reach you

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  • Primary phone Primary phone * - -
  • Alternate phone Alternate phone - -
  • Subject

  • Does your question or comment regard a payment or billing issue? *
    Does your question or comment regard a payment or billing issue?
  • Your comments or inquiry

  • Tricounty Radiology takes the security and privacy of protected health information very seriously. We have implemented technical, administrative, and physical safeguards, which are designed to protect your information from unauthorized use and access. These safeguards are intended to ensure that our system is secure and that it meets our obligations under the HIPAA Security Standards Final Rule, as well as CCHIT Meaningful Use Security Requirements to specifically protect all electronic health information created or maintained by our certified Electronic Health Record technology. By providing your information and consent, you are authorizing Tricounty Radiology to acquire certain data required to determine the scheduling necessities for the respective imaging exam you have selected on this request form. *
    Tricounty Radiology takes the security and privacy of protected health information very seriously. We have implemented technical, administrative, and physical safeguards, which are designed to protect your information from unauthorized use and access. These safeguards are intended to ensure that our system is secure and that it meets our obligations under the HIPAA Security Standards Final Rule, as well as CCHIT Meaningful Use Security Requirements to specifically protect all electronic health information created or maintained by our certified Electronic Health Record technology. By providing your information and consent, you are authorizing Tricounty Radiology to acquire certain data required to determine the scheduling necessities for the respective imaging exam you have selected on this request form.
  • What is "ten" as a number?